Publications Angela Kallhoff

Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 94
Bruckner M, Kallhoff A. Biozentrismus. In Ach JS, Borchers D, editors, Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler. 2018. p. 161-166

Kallhoff A, Di Paola M, Schörgenhumer M. Introduction to Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications. In Kallhoff A, Di Paola M, Schörgenhumer M, editors, Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications. 1 ed. Oxford: Routledge. 2018. p. 1-10. (Routledge Environmental Humanities).

Kallhoff A. Kosmopolitismus und menschliche Natur: Forderungen einer Ethik für Erdlinge. In Reder M, Cojocaru M-D, Filipovic A, editors, "Natur" als Bezugspunkt der praktischen Philosophie. 1 ed. Vol. 2. München: Verlag Karl Alber. 2018. p. 241-262. (Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive, Vol. 2).

Kallhoff A. Learning to Conceive of Climate Change as a Truly Global and Moral Problem. In Buchhammer B, editor, Re-Learning to be Human in Global Times: Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspectives of Contemporary Philosophy and Religion. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. 2018. p. 59-70. (Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series IV, Western European philosophical studies, Vol. 12).

Schwarz-Plaschg C, Kallhoff A, Eisenberger I. Making Nanomaterials Safer by Design? NanoEthics. 2017 Dec;11(3):277–281. Epub 2017 Oct 30. doi: 10.1007/s11569-017-0307-4, 10.1007/s11569-017-0307-4

Kallhoff A. Safer by Design and Trump Rights of Citizens. NanoEthics. 2017 Dec;11(3):291-295. doi: 10.1007/s11569-017-0308-3

Kallhoff A. Water Ethics: Toward Ecological Cooperation. In Gardiner SM, Thompson A, editors, Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2017. p. 416-426. 36

Kallhoff A. Realistischer Humanismus: Martha Nussbaum über die menschliche Natur. In Hähnel M, editor, Aristotelischer Naturalismus. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler. 2017. p. 213-223

Eisenberger I, (ed.), Kallhoff A, (ed.), Schwarz-Plaschg C, (ed.). Special Issue: Safer by Design in the Nano-Field. 2017. (NanoEthics, Vol. 3/2017).

Kallhoff A, Schörgenhumer M. The virtues of gardening: A relational account of Environmental virtues. Environmental Ethics. 2017;39(2):193-210. doi: 10.5840/enviroethics2017121410

Kallhoff A. Transcending water conflicts: an ethics of water cooperation. In Ziegler R, Groenfeldt D, editors, Global Water Ethics: Towards a Global Ethics Charter. London ; New York : Routledge. 2017. p. 91-106. 5

Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 94